Saturday, October 13, 2012

We Need Action

End Of Sales Pitch
   All of the foregoing was just a sales pitch.  Like I said, I am not against a gradual moving to an earlier in time in say two half hour increments in the spring but by shifting to an earlier time.  I do not want the clock moved at all.  No Daylight Saving Time shift.  Here is the latest on the problems it caused for OpenSuse Linux in the middle of the Ocean in Fiji of all places:

Yast TZ Clash Folder

You cannot see the first one in the text file but should be able to see the next two.  If not some suitably enhanced - read cropped and reduced in size to 1152x768 (my screen resolution is an ungodly 2000+ x 1500+) images will show the problems.  It is not just that Novell / OpenSuse are bad or incompetent that are causing the problem.  They and all Linux distributions are in one way - they keep tying the language and the TZ together like they are same thing.  Parts of Spain are in the same TZ as France but even more importantly, language and TZ are two separate entities.  The problem is simply that Daylight Saving Time is much too complex.  Albert Einstein said every system should be made as simple as possible and no simpler.  Getting rid of Daylight Saving Time completely and putting the time zones back the way they were to standardize railroads and telegraph needs to be done to make the system as simple as possible and no simpler.  Trying to resolve two adjacent time zones by shifting the time in one TZ to match another is trying to make TZ too simple..  If some people want to shift things, then just shift the boundaries of the two TZ.  That includes those sections of Indiana and Illinois where there is a problem.  If there is a problem it is more of the boundary of where the Eastern and Central Time Zones boundaries is at that is causing the problem.  Stop doing it by state or political region and resolve it via a more practible means.

What Is Needed
A Referendum (?) Vote Of The People

   What we need is a grass-roots effort.  I looked it up and is now available.  This needs to be the legal arm of this movement.  The movement needs to start in the United States and move outwards.  Do not expect any help from people in Congress.  I highly doubt new blood is going to help. The Tea Party is going to have the same sporting industrial complex headed by the golfers churning in millions of dollars for their election campaigns which will kill the effort to get rid of DST just like it is being done now. We need something that pushes it to a vote by the people by referendum.  That is correct people.  We need to get petition drives set up and a place to store said petitiions.  We need digitizers (scanners) and OCR to make all of this stuff available to the public.  We need people that are good web designers (that is not me).  We need a good attorney who is sympathetic who can create the petition.  We need people who are good in grass roots political activism.  They need to be able explain to people that they won't lose their extra hour in the summer.  It is just that it will be honest with people doing things earlier.  So write to me at hhhobbit gnat and lets get the ball moving.  I especially need somebody who is good at web design and layout.  I wished that I was rich but I am not.  But unlike Shuttleworth and Ubuntu Linux (thinking of Gnome being replaced by Unity) this effort needs to maintain some semblance of order without radical departures from the main thrust.  There may be no big chief - just a few little Indians.  So write to me at hhhobbit gnat and lets get the ball moving.  If nobody writes I interpret that as a lack of interest.